Please join fellow WBT educators in a lively discussion of Chris Biffle's latest book, "Whole Brain Teaching for Challenging Kids"!
Earn WBT Certification points in the Official WBT Book Club! Points will be awarded to Whole Brainers who regularly post thoughtful, energetic posts, 700 points possible during the summer session!

Book Club Guidelines
1. Become a member of this site. Scroll down on the right and click "Join this site". Only members are able to post.
2. Enter your email address in the box on the right (just below the Members section). This will allow you to receive messages from Coach B regarding new discussion topics and important info.
3. Click on the Chapter links on the right to see questions related to each chapter of the book and post a comment with a thoughtful reply. Try not to exceed 250 words.
4. Feel free to ask questions and answer others' questions using the "Questions Page" on the right. Don't hold back! But dress appropriately; the weather in Teacher Heaven is electrified with funtricity so it can sizzle.
5. Please sign all of your posts with your real first and last name. 
6. Big Important Note! Please use college level literacy in your assignments. Avoid spelling errors, typos, awkward sentences, incomplete answers. Sorry, no rewrites!

Whole Brain Teaching Certification Points (CP) will generally be awarded as follows:
Perfect, fully developed, assignment: 25 CP
1 error: 20 CP
2 errors: 10 CP
3 or more errors, 0 CP.
An outstanding, insightful assignment will earn (gasp!) a 5 POINT BONUS!
Awarding of points may vary from the above, at the discretion of WBT staff members.


What questions have come up as you read the book? Post your questions here, or reply to someone else's question. Don't forget to click on the Resources link on the right to find more great places to get your questions answered!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Michelle, got a response back thank you. There was no mention of my possible points:)

  3. Hi few minutes back I have published my assignment. I am an old member of this club. But instead of my name it is showing unknown. Will you please help me out.

  4. Arrggg. I am having to type comments 2-3 times before they show up.

    Question: May I use webcast participation for certification points? How much is a webcast worth? Sheryl Larson (aka teacher sd)

  5. I have been studying WBT writing all summer, including the free downloads. Oh Yeah! As I understand it, there are 6 components that I have identified: The Genius Ladder, Ten Minute Writing, Oral Writing, the 11 Day Writing Lesson Plan and (drum roll)...the Writing Game. I listed the components in the order that it seems they should be introduced, but I'm not sure. Is there a suggestion for pacing or order of rolling out all this writing goodness? Signed Jim Hobley

  6. I am curious to know how picky you are about the 250 word limit. I wrote my post and it was way over the limit. I then spent hours editing it down to a concise post that still answered the question, only to discover most of the other posts were longer than my original post.
